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2019 Series Winners
Men's Elite Winner: Hunter Pronovost
Men's Elite 2nd Place:
John Harris

Men's Elite 3rd Place:
Johnny Meyerle
Women's Elite Winner: Meg Pennington
2nd Place:
Caitrin Huysman

3rd Place:
Kelli Montgomery
Men's Category 3 Winner: Justin Scott
2nd Place:
Brooks Nablo

3rd Place:
Jason Lupke
Men's Masters 40+ Winner: Eneas Freyre
2nd Place:
Ernie Tautkus

3rd Place:
Karel Citroen
Men's Masters 50+ Winner: Wade Summers
2nd Place:
Steve Sadler

3rd Place:
James Conopask
Men's Masters 60+ Winner: David Rustico
2nd Place:
Robert Tremaine

3rd Place:
David Goodwin
Men's Cat 4 Winner: Ben Bruce
2nd Place:
George Ives

3rd Place:
Adam Wesolowski
Single Speed Winner: Anthony Vecca
2nd Place:
Connor Walsh

3rd Place:
Scott Livingston
Women Cat3/4/5 Winner: Parrish Bergquist
2nd Place:
Kristin Anderson

3rd Place:
Aeryn Northway
Junior Girls 9-11 Winner: Leila Griffith
2nd Place:
Elena Huber
3rd Place:
Abigail O’neil
Junior Girls 12-14 Winner: Leta Griffith
2nd Place:
Amanda Meyerle
3rd Place:
Alexandra Miller-davey
Junior Girls 15-18 Winner: Aeryn Northway
2nd Place:
Teagan Geran
3rd Place:
Evelyn Kornbluh
Junior Boys 9-11 Winner: Hudson Nablo
2nd Place:
Jaxson Schmitz
3rd Place:
Gavin Peterson
Junior Boys 12-14 Winner: Cade Fravel
2nd Place:
Eneas Freyre Jr
3rd Place:
Alejandro Huber
Junior Boys 15-18 Winner: Ben Stokes
2nd Place: Sean Rouke
3rd Place:
Justin Green
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